Alone in the Dark

Bonjour mes amis, it's a new DOS Game Club episode!
In October we were looking for a spOo0ky game to play and luckily, we had several great suggestions over on our game suggestion forum. Out of the options available, we decided to go with 1992's "Alone in the Dark", suggested by long time DGC member Marwane ("wan"), who was also able to join the podcast!
Alongside our hosts Martijn ("Tijn") and Florian ("rnlf), joining this time is Phil ("PixelProphecy"), who you might remember from the great voice message he left in the previous episode (on Monkey Island).
And last but not least we have Anatoly Shashkin, host of the DOS Nostalgia podcast and YouTube channel. He's a big fan of French DOS games in general, and Alone in the Dark specifically, so it was great having him on the show and share his expertise with us.
[ download mp3 ] (134 mins, 118 MB)
* Frederick Raynal speaks about Alone in the Dark at the Game Developer's Conference in 2012
* Alone in the Dark OPL music, from the floppy disk version
* Alone in the Dark CD-ROM edition music
* Magazine review scans, kindly provided by DGC member Richard ("Pix")
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